AED 30.45
LGT8F328P-LQFP32 MiniEVB is an Alternative for Arduino Nano it uses the LGT8F328P, which is a Chinese Alternative chip that runs at 32MHz. LGT8F328D architecture design is relatively new, peripheral functions far stronger than Atmel MEGA328. Especially the program encryption ability is far more than MEGA328. 8F328D can use 3V3 and 5V power supply.
Built-in high-precision RC, Less peripheral parts, circuit design is simple.
12-bit ADC (analog-to-digital conversion).
Onboard DAC. Owned GUID (unique ID) can be used for chip program encryption.
Built-in internal 1.024V / 2.048V / 4.096V ± 1% calibratable reference voltage source
How to add the LGT8F328p to Arduino IDE:
1-Download the zipped resources by Clicking here
2- Extract the download (unzip it)
and move the unzipped LGT/Avr folder to under the hardware folder in your Arduino sketch folder. If you do not have a hardware folder in your Arduino Sketches folder, just create one.
Your structure should look like this:
3- Replace the boards.txt
In the Hardware -> LGT -> AVR folder delete the boards.txt.
Then copy the boards.txt in this GitHub there in place of the one you just deleted.
4- Fire up the Arduino IDE (or restart it if already running)
5- Select the right board
Go to Tools, Board, and scroll down until you see the next set of LGT8F boards, one of which will be the 32MHz variant you just added. The original LGT8F328P board will now be described as (16MHz)
More Info from Datasheet:
High performance, low power 8bit RISC core
131 Instructions, 80% execute in one cycle
32x8 general purpose registers
Up to 32MIPS when running at 32MHz
Integrated one-cycle 8x8 Multiplier
Arduino Code for LGT8F328p:
void setup() { //set D10 to output fastioMode(D10, OUTPUT); // driver D10 to low level fastioWrite(D10, LOW); } void loop() { // toggle D10 fastioToggle(D10); }