
Servo Arduino Shield for Dynamixel AX (DFRobot)

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This board integrates a half-duplex circuit, connecting the transmit wire from the UART to all AX-12 servos. This allows a command sent over the wire to be heard by all servos, but only the servo with a matching ID processes it. The servo can be linked by a serial bus, accommodating up to 200+ servos. It provides feedback on position, rotation velocity, torque, current, and motor temperature. With capabilities for all-round rotation and velocity control, it functions as a gear motor, suitable for wheeled robots or tracked robots.


  • Education
  • Robot Arm
  • Humanoid Robot
  • Hexapod Robot
  • Any other servo-driven application


  • MCU: Atmega8
  • Power Supply: 6.5-12V
  • Compatible with Arduino R3
  • SPI interface with Arduino (Digital 10,11,12,13)
  • User-friendly for primary users
  • UART interface for deeper development
  • 7 channels for servo connection
  • Half-duplex circuit inside
  • Board surface: Immersion Gold
  • Size: 59x53mm

Pin Out: 

Digital Servo Shield for Arduino PinOut


More Details:

  • Power Supply: 6.5~12V power supply for servos & the whole system.
  • UART Select: UART is already shorted by solder. Remove solder when using UART for Atmega8.
  • UART for Atmega8: UART interface for deeper development. Program the Atmega8 with FTDI. Choose "Arduino Optiboot8".
  • SS Select for SPI: Digital pin 10 by default. Remove the jumper cap to use other digital pins.


Connection Diagram: Digital Servo Shield for Arduino Diagram

Sample Code:

 # This Sample code is to test the Digital Servo Shield.
 # Editor : Leff
 # Date : 2016-1-19
 # Ver : 1.1
 # Product: Digital Servo Shield for Arduino
 # Hardwares:
 1. Arduino UNO
 2. Digital Servo Shield for Arduino
 3. Digital Servos( Compatible with AX-12,CDS55xx...etc)
 4. Power supply:6.5 - 12V
 # How to use:
 If you don't know your Servo ID number, please
 1. Open the serial monitor, and choose NewLine,115200
 2. Send command:'d',when it's finished, please close the monitor and re-open it
 3. Send the command according to the function //controlServo()//
#include "SPI.h"
#include "ServoCds55.h"
ServoCds55 myservo;
int servoNum = 1;
char inputCommand ; // a string to hold incoming data
boolean inputComplete = false;
void setup () {
 Serial.begin (115200);
 myservo.begin ();
void loop () {
 if (inputComplete) {
 Serial.print("Your command is: "); Serial.println(inputCommand); Serial.println("");
 // clear the command:
 inputCommand = 0;
 inputComplete = false;
void serialEvent() {
 while (Serial.available()) {
 char inChar = (char)Serial.read();
 if (inChar == '\n') {
 inputComplete = true;
 inputCommand += inChar;
void controlServo(char val) {
 switch (val) {
 case 'p':
 myservo.write(servoNum, 300); //ID:1 Pos:300 velocity:150
 myservo.write(servoNum, 0); //ID:1 Pos:0 velocity:150
 case 'v':
 myservo.setVelocity(200);// set velocity to 100(range:0-300) in Servo mode
 case 'm':
 myservo.rotate(servoNum, 150); // Anti CW ID:1 Velocity: 150_middle velocity 300_max
 myservo.rotate(servoNum, -150); // CW ID:1 Velocity: -150_middle velocity -300_max
 myservo.rotate(servoNum, 0); //Stop
 myservo.Reset(servoNum); //Only Dynamixel AX need this instruction while changing working mode
 //CDS55xx don't need this, it can switch freely between its working mode
 case 'r':
 myservo.Reset(servoNum);//Restore ID2 servo to factory Settings ( ID:1 Baud rate:1000000)
 // case 'i':
 // myservo.SetID(2,1);//ID:1 newID:2
 // break;
 case 'd': //Reset servo to ID>>servoNum. If you don't know your Servo ID, please send "d".
 Serial.print("Please wait..");
 for (int buf = 0; buf < 255; buf++) {
 myservo.SetID(buf, servoNum);
 if (buf % 50 == 0) Serial.print(".");
 Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Please close the monitor and re-open it to play your servo! ");
 Serial.println("Please give me an available instruction:");
 Serial.println(" Servo mode: p_Set position; v_Set velocity.");
 Serial.println(" Motor mode: m_Rotate; v_Set velocity.");
 Serial.println(" Others: r_Reset servo to factory settings; i_Change servo ID."); Serial.println("");