AED 39.00
A 32GB Class 10 A1 SanDisk MicroSD card pre-installed with the NOOBS Raspberry Pi operating system (containing Raspberry Pi OS and LibreELEC Kodi).
Perfect for all models of Raspberry Pi old and new, including the Pi 400 Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, Raspberry Pi 3, and Raspberry Pi Zero W.
We only use quality, authentic SanDisk cards for their excellent speeds and reliability.
- This is the hard drive and operating system for your Raspberry Pi
- Extended partition to make full use of the SD card
- Ready to use – plug it in and you’re ready to go
- Only the most current stable release of the operating system will be used
- High-quality MicroSD card for the Raspberry Pi
- Authentic Quality SanDisk cards
- Pre-imaged with NOOBs and delivered in individually sealed bags
We recommend that first-time Pi users start with the "New Out of Box Software" (NOOBS) operating system for the Raspberry Pi. Note that NOOBS requires a monitor for first-time setup (not suitable for headless users).
Don't have an SD card reader handy? No problem, this handy little microSD card comes with NOOBS already installed. Perfect for a Raspberry Pi beginner and convenient for those with more experience
- Raspberry Pi OS
- LibreELEC
Available: (internet connection required to install)
- Raspberry Pi OS Lite
- Data Partitioner
- Lakka
- Recalbox
- TLXOS Thin Client (Trial)