
Accelerometer Gyro Compass Pressure Sensor Module GY-91 (MPU9250 + BMP280)

AED 57.00




The GY-91 module combines the MPU-9250 and BMP280 sensors on a single board, making it a solution for motion sensing, orientation, and environmental measurements. It integrates a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis magnetometer, and a barometric pressure sensor with a temperature sensor, all in a compact design. The module's single-pin interface simplifies connections, reducing project size and complexity.

The MPU-9250 features 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for precisely digitizing gyroscope, accelerometers, and magnetometer data. The BMP280 sensor adds high-accuracy pressure and temperature measurements, enabling use as an altimeter with ±1-meter accuracy. This combination makes the GY-91 ideal for applications requiring motion, orientation, and environmental data.



MPU-9250 9-Axis Sensor

  1. 3-Axis Gyroscope:

    • User-programmable full-scale range: ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec.
    • Integrated 16-bit ADCs for precise measurement.
    • Low power consumption: 3.2mA in operation, 8μA in sleep mode.
    • Self-test and factory-calibrated sensitivity scale.
  2. 3-Axis Accelerometer:

    • Programmable full-scale range: ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, and ±16g.
    • Normal operating current: 450μA, low power mode: 8.4μA at 0.98Hz.
    • Wake-on-motion and programmable interrupts.
    • Integrated 16-bit ADCs for high-resolution measurements.
  3. 3-Axis Magnetometer:

    • Wide dynamic range with a resolution of 14 bits (0.6μT/LSB).
    • Measurement range: ±4800μT.
    • Low power consumption: 280μA at 8Hz repetition rate.
    • Built-in self-test functionality.
  4. Additional Features:

    • Integrated temperature sensor.
    • High-speed I²C (400kHz) and SPI (up to 20MHz) interfaces.
    • Shock tolerance: 10,000g.
    • Hermetically sealed MEMS structure for durability.

BMP280 Environmental Sensor

  • Measures pressure (300–1100hPa) with ±1hPa accuracy.
  • Temperature range: -40 to +85°C with ±1°C accuracy.
  • Altimeter functionality with ±1-meter accuracy.
  • Power-efficient design: 2.7μA current consumption at 1Hz sampling.
  • Supports both I²C (up to 3.4MHz) and SPI (up to 10MHz).



  • Power Supply: 3V or 5V DC (via VIN or 3V3 pins).
  • Interfaces: I²C and SPI communication.
  • Module Dimensions: Compact QFN package (3x3x1mm).
  • Current Consumption: 2.7μA for BMP280, 450μA for MPU-9250 accelerometer.
  • Operating Temperature: -40 to +85°C (BMP280).



Pin Name Description
VIN Module power supply – 5V
GND Ground
3V3 Module power supply – 3.3V
SCL I²C Clock / SPI Clock
SDA I²C Data / MOSI pin for SPI
SAO/SDO I²C address adjust pin / MISO for SPI
NCS Chip Select for MPU-9250
CSB Chip Select for BMP280



  • Drones and UAVs for stabilization and orientation.
  • Robotics for motion and environmental sensing.
  • Weather monitoring and forecasting systems.
  • IoT devices require pressure, temperature, and motion data.
  • Altitude and position tracking systems.
  • Wearable devices for fitness and motion analysis.



  • Arduino Library for the GY-91 Module: Click Here to Download


Package Includes

1 x GY-91 Module (MPU-9250 + BMP280)
1 x Set of Male Header Pins