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The MP3 shield board is an accessory for Arduino UNO/MEGA that plays a variety of music formats, including Ogg Vorbis/MP3/AAC/WMA/MIDI audio. It is based on the VLSI VS1053B, a versatile MP3 codec processor capable of decoding multiple music formats. It features a headphone and stereo output, a microphone for recording, a line-in input interface, and a TF card slot. The board has a single power supply of +5VDC and includes a 12.288 MHz crystal. The VS1053 has a feature that duplicates the sound of a room with stereo loudspeakers for the best headphone listening experience. Note that the package does not include an SD card.
Package Includes:
- 1 x MP3 Player Shield Board with SD Card VS1053
- Based on the VLSI VS1053B: a versatile MP3 codec processor capable of decoding a variety of music formats.
- Directly plug-in compatible with Arduino UNO/MEGA.
- SPI interface: The control signal lines are led out, making it easy to control music playback.
- Headphone and stereo output: For high-quality audio output.
- Microphone for recording: Record audio with the built-in microphone.
- Line-in input interface: Easily input external audio.
- TF card slot: Allows for the storage and playback of music from an SD card.
- Power indicator: Clearly indicates when the board is powered.
- LDO chip (AMS-1117) on board: Provides up to 800mA current.
- Single power supply: +5VDC.
- 12.288 MHz crystal: Ensures accurate timing for music playback.
- Compatible with a wide range of music formats, including Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AAC, WMA, and MIDI audio.
- Can play OGG encoding in real-time recording.
- Can decode FLAC lossless audio with software plugin (up to 24 bits, 48 kHz).
- Includes a feature that precisely duplicates the sound of a room with stereo loudspeakers for the best headphone listening experience.
- Compatible with General MIDI 1 / SP-MIDI format 0.
- Can decode MPEG4/2 AAC-LC (+PNS), HE-AAC v2 (Level 3) (SBR + PS).
- Can decode WAV (PCM + IMA ADPCM).
- Optional support for MP1 & MP2 (MPEG 1 & 2 audio layers I & II).
- Supports various WMA profiles (WMA4.0/4.1/7/8/9) with bit rates from 5 to 384 kbps.
The MP3 shield board is an audio accessory that allows you to play a wide variety of music formats using an Arduino UNO/MEGA. It is based on the VLSI VS1053B, which is a highly versatile MP3 codec processor capable of decoding many audio formats, including Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AAC, WMA, and MIDI audio. One of the significant advantages of using this shield board is that you can directly plug it into an Arduino UNO/MEGA, eliminating the need for jumpers, and making it easier to play music using the small MP3 breakout board. Additionally, the SPI interface ensures that the control signal lines are led out, providing more straightforward control over the music playback. The VS1053B has a range of features that make it an ideal choice for audio playback. It includes a headphone and stereo output, a microphone for recording, and a line-in input interface. The board also features a TF card slot that allows you to store and play back music from an SD card. For the best headphone listening experience, the VS1053B has a feature that precisely duplicates the sound of a room with stereo loudspeakers. This feature ensures that the sound output is of high quality and is as close to the original as possible. The board also includes a power indicator and a 3.3V and 2.8V LDO chip (AMS-1117) that can provide up to 800mA current. It operates on a single power supply of +5VDC and includes a 12.288 MHz crystal that ensures accurate timing. In terms of compatibility, the MP3 shield board is compatible with a wide range of music formats, including Ogg Vorbis, MP3 (MPEG 1 & 2 audio layer III CBR+VBR+ABR), MP1 & MP2 (MPEG 1 & 2 audio layers I & II optional), MPEG4/2 AAC-LC (+PNS), HE-AAC v2 (Level 3) (SBR + PS), WMA4.0/4.1/7/8/9 all profiles (5-384 kbps), FLAC lossless audio with software plugin (up to 24 bits, 48 kHz), WAV (PCM + IMA ADPCM), and General MIDI 1 / SP-MIDI format 0.
Principle of Work:
The MP3 shield board is designed to work with an Arduino board, specifically an Arduino UNO or MEGA. It is based on the VLSI VS1053B MP3 codec processor, which is a highly versatile chip capable of decoding a variety of music formats including Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AAC, WMA, MIDI audio, and more. To use the shield, you simply plug it into the headers on the top of an Arduino board. The shield has pins that connect to the Arduino's digital and analog input/output pins, as well as its SPI bus. Once connected, you can control the VS1053B chip using software running on the Arduino board. The shield has a variety of input and output jacks, including a headphone jack, line-in jack, and microphone input. You can connect audio sources to these jacks, and the shield will handle decoding the audio and outputting it through the headphone jack or line-out jack. You can also use the microphone input to record audio using the VS1053B chip. The shield also has a microSD card slot, which you can use to store audio files. The VS1053B chip can read audio files from the microSD card and decode them in real time, allowing you to play music or other audio files directly from the card. To control the VS1053B chip, you send commands over the SPI bus from the Arduino board. The VS1053B chip has a wide range of features and settings, which you can configure using these commands. For example, you can adjust the volume, set the equalization, and configure the playback mode.
Pinout of the Module:
- D2: Control pin for VS1053 data transfer
- D3: Control pin for VS1053 chip select
- D4: Control pin for VS1053 Data/Command selection
- D5: Control pin for VS1053 Reset
- D6: Control pin for SD card chip select
- A0: Control pin for VS1053 DREQ (Data Request)
- A1: Control pin for microphone amplifier shutdown
- A3: Analog input for line-in left channel
- A4: Analog input for the line-in right channel
- A5: Analog input for microphone input
- AREF: Reference voltage pin
- SDA: I2C data pin
- SCL: I2C clock pin
Parts on board:
- VLSI VS1053B MP3 codec processor
- Microphone amplifier with automatic gain control
- SD card slot
- AMS-1117 3.3V and 2.8V LDO chips for power regulation
- 12.288 MHz crystal for accurate timing
- Headphone and stereo output jack
- Line-in input jack
- Power indicator LED
- TF card slot
- 5VDC power input header
- Reset button
- Jumpers for selecting SPI or UART communication with Arduino
- Prototyping area for additional components or circuits.
- Audio playback projects: The shield is designed to play a variety of music formats, making it ideal for creating audio playback projects such as MP3 players, jukeboxes, or portable radios.
- Sound recording projects: The shield also has a built-in microphone input and line-in jack, making it useful for sound recording projects such as voice recorders, sound effect generators, or field recording devices.
- Audio processing projects: The VS1053B chip has a variety of built-in audio processing features, such as equalization and volume control. This makes the shield useful for audio processing projects such as equalizers, sound synthesizers, or audio effects processors.
- Internet of Things (IoT) projects: The shield can be used in IoT projects that require audio playbacks or recordings, such as smart speakers or voice-activated devices.
- Educational projects: A shield is a great tool for learning about digital audio processing and programming with Arduino. It can be used in educational projects such as digital signal processing labs or music technology courses.
No need for a circuit just plug the shield into your Arduino and you are good to go.
To install the Arduino_Library-vs1053_for_SdFat library on Arduino IDE, follow these steps:
- Download the library: Go to the Arduino_Library-vs1053_for_SdFat GitHub page (https://github.com/mpflaga/Arduino_Library-vs1053_for_SdFat) and click on the green "Code" button. Select "Download ZIP" and save the file to your computer.
- Install the library: Open the Arduino IDE and go to "Sketch" > "Include Library" > "Add .ZIP Library". Select the ZIP file you downloaded in Step 1 and click "Open".
- Verify the installation: To verify that the library was installed correctly, go to "File" > "Examples" > "vs1053" and select any example sketch. If the library was installed correctly, you should be able to compile and upload the sketch to your Arduino board.
This Arduino sketch is designed to receive commands from a serial terminal, such as the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE. When the sketch receives a number between 1 and 9, it will attempt to play an MP3 file with the filename 'track00x.mp3', where x is the number received. For example, if the number 2 is received, the sketch will attempt to play 'track002.mp3'. The lowercase letter 's' will stop the currently playing MP3 file, while the letter 'f' will play an MP3 file by calling it by its filename rather than a track number.
To use this sketch, you will need to have MP3 files with filenames that match the pattern 'track001.mp3', 'track002.mp3', etc. These files should be stored on an SD card that is inserted into the MP3 shield. When the sketch receives a command to play an MP3 file, it will search the SD card for a file with the corresponding filename and attempt to play it through the shield.
#include |SPI.h" #include "FreeStack.h" //Add the SdFat Libraries #include "SdFat.h" //and the MP3 Shield Library #include "vs1053_SdFat.h" // Below is not needed if interrupt driven. Safe to remove if not using. #if defined(USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS) && USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS == USE_MP3_Timer1 #include "TimerOne.h" #elif defined(USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS) && USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS == USE_MP3_SimpleTimer #include "SimpleTimer.h" #endif /** * \brief Object instancing the SdFat library. * * principal object for handling all SdCard functions. */ SdFat sd; /** * \brief Object instancing the vs1053 library. * * principal object for handling all the attributes, members and functions for the library. */ vs1053 MP3player; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * \brief Setup the Arduino Chip's feature for our use. * * After Arduino's kernel has booted initialize basic features for this * application, such as Serial port and MP3player objects with .begin. * Along with displaying the Help Menu. * * \note returned Error codes are typically passed up from MP3player. * Whicn in turns creates and initializes the SdCard objects. * * \see * \ref Error_Codes */ void setup() { uint8_t result; //result code from some function as to be tested at later time. Serial.begin(115200); Serial.print(F("F_CPU = ")); Serial.println(F_CPU); Serial.print(F("Free RAM = ")); // available in Version 1.0 F() bases the string to into Flash, to use less SRAM. Serial.print(FreeStack(), DEC); // FreeStack() is provided by SdFat Serial.println(F(" Should be a base line of 1028, on ATmega328 when using INTx")); //Initialize the SdCard. if(!sd.begin(SD_SEL, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt(); // depending upon your SdCard environment, SPI_HAVE_SPEED may work better. if(!sd.chdir("/")) sd.errorHalt("sd.chdir"); //Initialize the MP3 Player Shield result = MP3player.begin(); //check result, see readme for error codes. if(result != 0) { Serial.print(F("Error code: ")); Serial.print(result); Serial.println(F(" when trying to start MP3 player")); if( result == 6 ) { Serial.println(F("Warning: patch file not found, skipping.")); // can be removed for space, if needed. Serial.println(F("Use the \"d\" command to verify SdCard can be read")); // can be removed for space, if needed. } } #if defined(__BIOFEEDBACK_MEGA__) // or other reasons, of your choosing. // Typically not used by most shields, hence commented out. Serial.println(F("Applying ADMixer patch.")); if(MP3player.ADMixerLoad("admxster.053") == 0) { Serial.println(F("Setting ADMixer Volume.")); MP3player.ADMixerVol(-3); } #endif help(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * \brief Main Loop the Arduino Chip * * This is called at the end of Arduino kernel's main loop before recycling. * And is where the user's serial input of bytes are read and analyzed by * parsed_menu. * * Additionally, if the means of refilling is not interrupt based then the * MP3player object is serviced with the availaible function. * * \note Actual examples of the libraries public functions are implemented in * the parse_menu() function. */ void loop() { // Below is only needed if not interrupt driven. Safe to remove if not using. #if defined(USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS) \ && ( (USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS == USE_MP3_SimpleTimer) \ || (USE_MP3_REFILL_MEANS == USE_MP3_Polled) ) MP3player.available(); #endif if(Serial.available()) { parse_menu(Serial.read()); // get command from serial input } delay(100); } uint32_t millis_prv; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * \brief Decode the Menu. * * Parses through the characters of the users input, executing corresponding * MP3player library functions and features then displaying a brief menu and * prompting for next input command. */ void parse_menu(byte key_command) { uint8_t result; // result code from some function as to be tested at later time. // Note these buffer may be desired to exist globably. // but do take much space if only needed temporarily, hence they are here. char title[30]; // buffer to contain the extract the Title from the current filehandles char artist[30]; // buffer to contain the extract the artist name from the current filehandles char album[30]; // buffer to contain the extract the album name from the current filehandles Serial.print(F("Received command: ")); Serial.write(key_command); Serial.println(F(" ")); //if s, stop the current track if(key_command == 's') { Serial.println(F("Stopping")); MP3player.stopTrack(); //if 1-9, play corresponding track } else if(key_command >= '1' && key_command <= '9') { //convert ascii numbers to real numbers key_command = key_command - 48; #if USE_MULTIPLE_CARDS sd.chvol(); // assign desired sdcard's volume. #endif //tell the MP3 Shield to play a track result = MP3player.playTrack(key_command); //check result, see readme for error codes. if(result != 0) { Serial.print(F("Error code: ")); Serial.print(result); Serial.println(F(" when trying to play track")); } else { Serial.println(F("Playing:")); //we can get track info by using the following functions and arguments //the functions will extract the requested information, and put it in the array we pass in MP3player.trackTitle((char*)&title); MP3player.trackArtist((char*)&artist); MP3player.trackAlbum((char*)&album); //print out the arrays of track information Serial.write((byte*)&title, 30); Serial.println(); Serial.print(F("by: ")); Serial.write((byte*)&artist, 30); Serial.println(); Serial.print(F("Album: ")); Serial.write((byte*)&album, 30); Serial.println(); } //if +/- to change volume } else if((key_command == '-') || (key_command == '+')) { union twobyte mp3_vol; // create key_command existing variable that can be both word and double byte of left and right. mp3_vol.word = MP3player.getVolume(); // returns a double uint8_t of Left and Right packed into int16_t if(key_command == '-') { // note dB is negative // assume equal balance and use byte[1] for math if(mp3_vol.byte[1] >= 254) { // range check mp3_vol.byte[1] = 254; } else { mp3_vol.byte[1] += 2; // keep it simpler with whole dB's } } else { if(mp3_vol.byte[1] <= 2) { // range check mp3_vol.byte[1] = 2; } else { mp3_vol.byte[1] -= 2; } } // push byte[1] into both left and right assuming equal balance. MP3player.setVolume(mp3_vol.byte[1], mp3_vol.byte[1]); // commit new volume Serial.print(F("Volume changed to -")); Serial.print(mp3_vol.byte[1]>>1, 1); Serial.println(F("[dB]")); //if < or > to change Play Speed } else if((key_command == '>') || (key_command == '<')) { uint16_t playspeed = MP3player.getPlaySpeed(); // create key_command existing variable // note playspeed of Zero is equal to ONE, normal speed. if(key_command == '>') { // note dB is negative // assume equal balance and use byte[1] for math if(playspeed >= 254) { // range check playspeed = 5; } else { playspeed += 1; // keep it simpler with whole dB's } } else { if(playspeed == 0) { // range check playspeed = 0; } else { playspeed -= 1; } } MP3player.setPlaySpeed(playspeed); // commit new playspeed Serial.print(F("playspeed to ")); Serial.println(playspeed, DEC); /* Alterativly, you could call a track by it's file name by using playMP3(filename); But you must stick to 8.1 filenames, only 8 characters long, and 3 for the extension */ } else if(key_command == 'f' || key_command == 'F') { uint32_t offset = 0; if (key_command == 'F') { offset = 2000; } //create a string with the filename char trackName[] = "track001.mp3"; #if USE_MULTIPLE_CARDS sd.chvol(); // assign desired sdcard's volume. #endif //tell the MP3 Shield to play that file result = MP3player.playMP3(trackName, offset); //check result, see readme for error codes. if(result != 0) { Serial.print(F("Error code: ")); Serial.print(result); Serial.println(F(" when trying to play track")); } /* Display the file on the SdCard */ } else if(key_command == 'd') { if(!MP3player.isPlaying()) { // prevent root.ls when playing, something locks the dump. but keeps playing. // yes, I have tried another unique instance with same results. // something about SdFat and its 500byte cache. Serial.println(F("Files found (name date time size):")); sd.ls(LS_R | LS_DATE | LS_SIZE); } else { Serial.println(F("Busy Playing Files, try again later.")); } /* Get and Display the Audio Information */ } else if(key_command == 'i') { MP3player.getAudioInfo(); } else if(key_command == 'p') { if( MP3player.getState() == playback) { MP3player.pauseMusic(); Serial.println(F("Pausing")); } else if( MP3player.getState() == paused_playback) { MP3player.resumeMusic(); Serial.println(F("Resuming")); } else { Serial.println(F("Not Playing!")); } } else if(key_command == 't') { int8_t teststate = MP3player.enableTestSineWave(126); if(teststate == -1) { Serial.println(F("Un-Available while playing music or chip in reset.")); } else if(teststate == 1) { Serial.println(F("Enabling Test Sine Wave")); } else if(teststate == 2) { MP3player.disableTestSineWave(); Serial.println(F("Disabling Test Sine Wave")); } } else if(key_command == 'S') { Serial.println(F("Current State of VS10xx is.")); Serial.print(F("isPlaying() = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.isPlaying()); Serial.print(F("getState() = ")); switch (MP3player.getState()) { case uninitialized: Serial.print(F("uninitialized")); break; case initialized: Serial.print(F("initialized")); break; case deactivated: Serial.print(F("deactivated")); break; case loading: Serial.print(F("loading")); break; case ready: Serial.print(F("ready")); break; case playback: Serial.print(F("playback")); break; case paused_playback: Serial.print(F("paused_playback")); break; case testing_memory: Serial.print(F("testing_memory")); break; case testing_sinewave: Serial.print(F("testing_sinewave")); break; } Serial.println(); } else if(key_command == 'b') { Serial.println(F("Playing Static MIDI file.")); MP3player.SendSingleMIDInote(); Serial.println(F("Ended Static MIDI file.")); #if !defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) } else if(key_command == 'm') { uint16_t teststate = MP3player.memoryTest(); if(teststate == -1) { Serial.println(F("Un-Available while playing music or chip in reset.")); } else if(teststate == 2) { teststate = MP3player.disableTestSineWave(); Serial.println(F("Un-Available while Sine Wave Test")); } else { Serial.print(F("Memory Test Results = ")); Serial.println(teststate, HEX); Serial.println(F("Result should be 0x83FF.")); Serial.println(F("Reset is needed to recover to normal operation")); } } else if(key_command == 'e') { uint8_t earspeaker = MP3player.getEarSpeaker(); if(earspeaker >= 3){ earspeaker = 0; } else { earspeaker++; } MP3player.setEarSpeaker(earspeaker); // commit new earspeaker Serial.print(F("earspeaker to ")); Serial.println(earspeaker, DEC); } else if(key_command == 'r') { MP3player.resumeMusic(2000); } else if(key_command == 'R') { MP3player.stopTrack(); MP3player.vs_init(); Serial.println(F("Reseting VS10xx chip")); } else if(key_command == 'g') { int32_t offset_ms = 20000; // Note this is just an example, try your own number. Serial.print(F("jumping to ")); Serial.print(offset_ms, DEC); Serial.println(F("[milliseconds]")); result = MP3player.skipTo(offset_ms); if(result != 0) { Serial.print(F("Error code: ")); Serial.print(result); Serial.println(F(" when trying to skip track")); } } else if(key_command == 'k') { int32_t offset_ms = -1000; // Note this is just an example, try your own number. Serial.print(F("moving = ")); Serial.print(offset_ms, DEC); Serial.println(F("[milliseconds]")); result = MP3player.skip(offset_ms); if(result != 0) { Serial.print(F("Error code: ")); Serial.print(result); Serial.println(F(" when trying to skip track")); } } else if(key_command == 'O') { MP3player.end(); Serial.println(F("VS10xx placed into low power reset mode.")); } else if(key_command == 'o') { MP3player.begin(); Serial.println(F("VS10xx restored from low power reset mode.")); } else if(key_command == 'D') { uint16_t diff_state = MP3player.getDifferentialOutput(); Serial.print(F("Differential Mode ")); if(diff_state == 0) { MP3player.setDifferentialOutput(1); Serial.println(F("Enabled.")); } else { MP3player.setDifferentialOutput(0); Serial.println(F("Disabled.")); } } else if(key_command == 'V') { MP3player.setVUmeter(1); Serial.println(F("Use \"No line ending\"")); Serial.print(F("VU meter = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.getVUmeter()); Serial.println(F("Hit Any key to stop.")); while(!Serial.available()) { union twobyte vu; vu.word = MP3player.getVUlevel(); Serial.print(F("VU: L = ")); Serial.print(vu.byte[1]); Serial.print(F(" / R = ")); Serial.print(vu.byte[0]); Serial.println(" dB"); delay(1000); } Serial.read(); MP3player.setVUmeter(0); Serial.print(F("VU meter = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.getVUmeter()); } else if(key_command == 'T') { uint16_t TrebleFrequency = MP3player.getTrebleFrequency(); Serial.print(F("Former TrebleFrequency = ")); Serial.println(TrebleFrequency, DEC); if (TrebleFrequency >= 15000) { // Range is from 0 - 1500Hz TrebleFrequency = 0; } else { TrebleFrequency += 1000; } MP3player.setTrebleFrequency(TrebleFrequency); Serial.print(F("New TrebleFrequency = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.getTrebleFrequency(), DEC); } else if(key_command == 'E') { int8_t TrebleAmplitude = MP3player.getTrebleAmplitude(); Serial.print(F("Former TrebleAmplitude = ")); Serial.println(TrebleAmplitude, DEC); if (TrebleAmplitude >= 7) { // Range is from -8 - 7dB TrebleAmplitude = -8; } else { TrebleAmplitude++; } MP3player.setTrebleAmplitude(TrebleAmplitude); Serial.print(F("New TrebleAmplitude = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.getTrebleAmplitude(), DEC); } else if(key_command == 'B') { uint16_t BassFrequency = MP3player.getBassFrequency(); Serial.print(F("Former BassFrequency = ")); Serial.println(BassFrequency, DEC); if (BassFrequency >= 150) { // Range is from 20hz - 150hz BassFrequency = 0; } else { BassFrequency += 10; } MP3player.setBassFrequency(BassFrequency); Serial.print(F("New BassFrequency = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.getBassFrequency(), DEC); } else if(key_command == 'C') { uint16_t BassAmplitude = MP3player.getBassAmplitude(); Serial.print(F("Former BassAmplitude = ")); Serial.println(BassAmplitude, DEC); if (BassAmplitude >= 15) { // Range is from 0 - 15dB BassAmplitude = 0; } else { BassAmplitude++; } MP3player.setBassAmplitude(BassAmplitude); Serial.print(F("New BassAmplitude = ")); Serial.println(MP3player.getBassAmplitude(), DEC); } else if(key_command == 'M') { uint16_t monostate = MP3player.getMonoMode(); Serial.print(F("Mono Mode ")); if(monostate == 0) { MP3player.setMonoMode(1); Serial.println(F("Enabled.")); } else { MP3player.setMonoMode(0); Serial.println(F("Disabled.")); } #endif } else if(key_command == 'h') { help(); } // print prompt after key stroke has been processed. Serial.print(F("Time since last command: ")); Serial.println((float) (millis() - millis_prv)/1000, 2); millis_prv = millis(); Serial.print(F("Enter s,1-9,+,-,>,<,f,F,d,i,p,t,S,b")); #if !defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) Serial.print(F(",m,e,r,R,g,k,O,o,D,V,B,C,T,E,M:")); #endif Serial.println(F(",h :")); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * \brief Print Help Menu. * * Prints a full menu of the commands available along with descriptions. */ void help() { Serial.println(F("Arduino vs1053 Library Example:")); Serial.println(F(" courtesy of Bill Porter & Michael P. Flaga")); Serial.println(F("COMMANDS:")); Serial.println(F(" [1-9] to play a track")); Serial.println(F(" [f] play track001.mp3 by filename example")); Serial.println(F(" [F] same as [f] but with initial skip of 2 second")); Serial.println(F(" [s] to stop playing")); Serial.println(F(" [d] display directory of SdCard")); Serial.println(F(" [+ or -] to change volume")); Serial.println(F(" [> or <] to increment or decrement play speed by 1 factor")); Serial.println(F(" [i] retrieve current audio information (partial list)")); Serial.println(F(" [p] to pause.")); Serial.println(F(" [t] to toggle sine wave test")); Serial.println(F(" [S] Show State of Device.")); Serial.println(F(" [b] Play a MIDI File Beep")); #if !defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) Serial.println(F(" [e] increment Spatial EarSpeaker, default is 0, wraps after 4")); Serial.println(F(" [m] perform memory test. reset is needed after to recover.")); Serial.println(F(" [M] Toggle between Mono and Stereo Output.")); Serial.println(F(" [g] Skip to a predetermined offset of ms in current track.")); Serial.println(F(" [k] Skip a predetermined number of ms in current track.")); Serial.println(F(" [r] resumes play from 2s from begin of file")); Serial.println(F(" [R] Resets and initializes VS10xx chip.")); Serial.println(F(" [O] turns OFF the VS10xx into low power reset.")); Serial.println(F(" [o] turns ON the VS10xx out of low power reset.")); Serial.println(F(" [D] to toggle SM_DIFF between inphase and differential output")); Serial.println(F(" [V] Enable VU meter Test.")); Serial.println(F(" [B] Increament bass frequency by 10Hz")); Serial.println(F(" [C] Increament bass amplitude by 1dB")); Serial.println(F(" [T] Increament treble frequency by 1000Hz")); Serial.println(F(" [E] Increament treble amplitude by 1dB")); #endif Serial.println(F(" [h] this help")); }
Technical Details:
- MP3 chip VS1053 MP3
- Connection via SPI interface
- Headphones 3.5 mm jack connection
- Line In 3.5 mm jack connection
- microphone
- Power LED
- Voltage regulator AMS-1117 with up to 800mA
- Power supply via +5 VDC
- Crystal 12.288 Mhz crystal
- SD card slot
- Decodes formats Ogg Vorbis:
- MP3 = MPEG 1 & 2 audio layer III (CBR+VBR+ABR)
- MP1 & MP2 = MPEG 1 & 2 audio layers I & II optional
- MPEG4 / 2 AAC-LC(+PNS), HE-AAC v2 (Level 3) (SBR + PS)
- WMA4.0/4.1/7/8/9 all profiles (5-384 kbps)
- FLAC lossless audio via a software interface (upto 24 bits, 48 kHz)
- General MIDI 1 / SP-MIDI format 0
- Encodes formats For the microphone and line-in Ogg Vorbis with a software plugin
- 16-bit PCM
- User Manual: Click Here
The MP3 Player Shield Board with SD Card VS1053 and the MP3 Player Mini Module (MP3-TF-16P) are both MP3 player modules that can be used with an Arduino or other microcontroller board. However, they have some differences in terms of features and capabilities:
- SD Card Support: The MP3 Player Shield Board with SD Card VS1053 has a built-in SD card slot, which allows you to store your MP3 files on an SD card and play them directly from the module. The MP3 Player Mini Module (MP3-TF-16P) also supports SD cards, but it requires an external SD card module to be connected to the board.
- Audio Codecs: The VS1053 chip on the MP3 Player Shield Board supports a wider range of audio codecs, including Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AAC, WMA, and MIDI. The MP3 Player Mini Module only supports MP3 and WAV formats.
- Interfaces: The MP3 Player Shield Board with SD Card VS1053 uses the SPI interface to communicate with the Arduino or other microcontroller board, while the MP3 Player Mini Module uses a serial UART interface.
- Features: The MP3 Player Shield Board with SD Card VS1053 has additional features, such as a microphone input for recording, a line-in input, and a headphone output with a room simulation feature for improved audio quality. The MP3 Player Mini Module does not have these features.
The MP3 Player Shield Board with SD Card VS1053 is a more versatile and feature-rich module, but it is also more complex to use due to its use of the SPI interface. The MP3 Player Mini Module is simpler to use and may be a better choice for basic MP3 playback applications.