
Keyestudio MEGA 2560 R3 Compatible With Arduino KS0002 (USB Cable included)

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Experience unparalleled pin availability with the Keyestudio Mega—an exceptional selection for projects demanding an extensive array of pins. Boasting an impressive compilation of 70 IO pins, this board provides an immediate avenue for utilization, presented in a striking black and yellow aesthetic. In stark contrast, the conventional Arduino UNO merely presents 20 pins, encompassing both digital and analog variants. Elevate your creative possibilities with the abundant pin resource offered by the Keyestudio Mega, setting a new standard for connectivity and design flexibility.


Package Includes:

  • 1 x Keyestudio Mega


  1. Microcontroller: Powered by the AVR ATmega2560 microcontroller, this 8-bit powerhouse ensures optimal performance.
  2. Versatile Power Supply: The board's voltage input range of 7-12V provides flexibility in powering your projects.
  3. Ample Digital I/O Pins: With 54 digital I/O pins at your disposal, you can easily interface with a wide range of external components.
  4. Analog I/O Capability: The 16 analog input pins empower you to gather precise analog data from sensors and devices.
  5. Extensive Total Digital I/O: A remarkable sum of 70 digital I/O pins—encompassing both digital and analog—provides unmatched connectivity options.
  6. Swift Clock Speed: Operating at 16 MHz, the board ensures efficient execution of instructions.
  7. Generous Flash Memory: With 128 KB of flash memory, you have ample space to store your program code.
  8. Sufficient SRAM: The 8 KB of SRAM aids in dynamic memory allocation for smoother program execution.
  9. Communication Made Easy: The onboard USB interface streamlines communication with your computer or other devices.
  10. Diverse Communication Protocols: Equipped with ICSP for programming, as well as SPI, I2C, and USART interfaces, enabling seamless interaction with a variety of devices.
  11. Timers Galore: Benefit from 6 timers, including Timer 2 (8-bit) and 4 (16-bit), allowing precise time-based operations.
  12. PWM Prowess: Utilize the 12 PWM outputs (ranging from 2 to 16 bits) for accurate control of analog-like outputs.
  13. Analog-to-Digital Conversion: The 16 ADC channels with 10-bit resolution facilitate the smooth conversion of analog signals.
  14. USART Connectivity: With 4 USART pins, you can establish reliable serial communication with external devices.
  15. Interrupt Handling: Leverage the 24 change interrupts to respond promptly to state changes in connected components.



The Keyestudio Mega presents a premier solution tailored for substantial projects demanding extensive connectivity. Unlike the Arduino UNO, which offers a limited 20 pins, including analog variants, the Keyestudio Mega takes the lead with a generous provision of 70 IO pins. These pins are readily available upon unboxing, delivering immediate usability. Within this microcontroller's arsenal, you'll find 54 digital and 16 analog input/output pins, poised to facilitate communication via protocols like USART and more. Enhancing its efficiency are integral features such as a 16 MHz crystal clock for precise timing, an interrupt mechanism to awaken the controller, an advanced timer for meticulous temporal control, and an analog comparator for swift signal processing. Furthermore, the Keyestudio Mega's compatibility extends to external devices through interfaces like SPI, I2C, and USART, solidifying its stature as an indispensable tool for intricate, large-scale projects.


Principle of Work:

The internal workings of the Keyestudio Mega involve a combination of its microcontroller, bootloader, and serial converter, all orchestrated to facilitate seamless operation and communication.

  1. Microcontroller (ATmega2560): At the heart of the Keyestudio Mega lies the ATmega2560 microcontroller, an 8-bit AVR device. This microcontroller executes the program instructions, manages data, and controls various peripherals on the board. It coordinates the inputs and outputs, data processing, and interactions with external devices.
  2. Bootloader: The bootloader is a small program that resides in the microcontroller's memory. It plays a critical role during the board's startup. When the board is powered on or reset, the bootloader initializes and checks whether new firmware needs to be uploaded. If so, it enables programming mode and waits for new code to be uploaded via a communication interface like UART (serial communication) or ISP (In-System Programming).
  3. In the context of the Keyestudio Mega, the bootloader allows you to upload new firmware (sketches) without requiring an external programmer. This is achieved through a simple USB connection to your computer, using the built-in USB-to-serial converter.
  4. Serial Converter (USB-to-Serial): The Keyestudio Mega includes a USB-to-serial converter chip (often an FTDI or CH340G chip) that translates data between the microcontroller's UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) communication format and the USB protocol used by computers. This enables a seamless connection between the board and your computer, allowing you to upload code, communicate with the board, and monitor serial output.

When you upload a new sketch to the board, the Arduino IDE communicates with the bootloader via the USB-to-serial converter. The bootloader then writes the new code to the microcontroller's flash memory. This process allows you to quickly iterate and update your projects without needing additional hardware.


Pinout of the Module:



  1. Digital I/O: The Arduino Mega presents a generous offering of 54 digital input/output pins, 15 of which can be repurposed as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) outputs. These pins accommodate digital inputs and outputs, making them adaptable for logic reading and controlling external modules like LEDs and relays. This is achieved through functions such as pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead().
  2. GND and AREF: Ground pins provide a common reference point for electrical currents. AREF, or Analog Reference, establishes the reference voltage (0-5V) for analog inputs. This reference value is utilized by the analogReference() function and determines the upper limit of the analog input range.
  3. I2C Communication (SDA and SCL): These pins enable I2C communication, facilitating data exchange with compatible devices on the I2C bus. SDA (Serial Data) and SCL (Serial Clock) manage the flow of information in a synchronized manner.
  4. ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) Header: This header connects to the AVR microcontroller and includes pins like MOSI, MISO, SCK, RESET, VCC, and GND. It is used for programming and firmware updates, particularly for the ATMEGA16U2-MU microcontroller, which facilitates USB communication between the board and a computer.
  5. USB Connection: The Keyestudio Mega can be powered via a USB connection to a computer. This simplifies power supply and communication, as a standard USB cable establishes the link.
  6. D13 LED: A built-in LED on digital pin 13 acts as a convenient indicator. When the pin outputs a HIGH value, the LED illuminates; when it's LOW, the LED turns off.
  7. ATMEGA 16U2-MU: This USB-to-serial chip facilitates the conversion of USB signals into serial port signals, enabling USB communication with the microcontroller.
  8. TX and RX LEDs: These LEDs are associated with communication via the serial port. The TX (Transmit) LED flashes when data is sent from the board, while the RX (Receive) LED flashes during data reception.
  9. Crystal Oscillator: A 16 MHz crystal oscillator provides precise timing, a critical aspect in calculating time-based operations.
  10. Voltage Regulator: The onboard voltage regulator regulates the voltage supplied to the board, ensuring stable power for the microcontroller and other components. It converts an external input voltage (DC 7-12V) into a stable DC 5V for the processor and other components.
  11. DC Power Jack and Vin: The board can be powered externally through the DC power jack using a DC 7-12V input. The Vin pin also allows external power input.
  12. IOREF and RESET Header: IOREF provides a voltage reference for the microcontroller's operation. The RESET header enables external resetting of the board, functioning like a reset button.
  13. Power Pins (3V3 and 5V): The 3.3V pin provides a regulated 3.3-volt supply, and the 5V pin outputs a stable 5V voltage.
  14. Analog Pins and Analog Inputs: The board houses 16 analog inputs labeled A0 to A15, catering to various analog signal processing needs.
  15. RESET Button: The RESET button allows manual resetting of the Arduino board, returning it to the initial state.
  16. Microcontroller: Each Keyestudio Mega houses its microcontroller, typically from ATMEL. This microcontroller is the heart of the board, responsible for processing instructions and managing operations.
  17. Power LED Indicator: A lit power LED indicates proper board power-up, aiding in diagnosing connection issues.



  • Weighing Machines: The precise analog inputs and extensive digital I/O capabilities of the Keyestudio Mega make it well-suited for developing accurate and efficient weighing machines, where sensor inputs can be managed and processed effectively.
  • Traffic Light Countdown Timer: Leveraging its timer and digital output capabilities, the board can be employed in creating countdown timers for traffic lights, enhancing road safety and traffic management.
  • Parking Lot Counter: The board's input processing prowess, paired with its digital I/O, can be harnessed to design automated parking lot counters that track available spaces, optimizing parking management systems.
  • Embedded Systems: The Keyestudio Mega serves as a foundation for embedded systems development due to its extensive I/O, precise timing capabilities, and communication interfaces, facilitating the creation of sophisticated, customized embedded solutions.
  • Home Automation: With its robust digital and analog I/O, the board is an ideal candidate for home automation projects, allowing users to control and monitor various household devices and systems.
  • Industrial Automation: The Keyestudio Mega's ability to handle complex I/O interactions and its compatibility with communication protocols like SPI, I2C, and USART render it suitable for building industrial automation solutions, enhancing process control and efficiency.
  • Medical Instruments: The microcontroller's analog input capabilities can be harnessed to develop medical instruments that measure and monitor physiological parameters, while its general-purpose I/O can be used for device control and data communication.
  • Emergency Light for Railways: The Keyestudio Mega can serve as the brain of emergency lighting systems for railways, thanks to its precise timing, output control, and compatibility with power management modules.



No external circuitry is required for this testing code; we will utilize the onboard LED located on the 13th pin.


Connecting with Arduino First Time

Step 1: Open Arduino IDE If you haven't done so already, download the Arduino IDE from the official software page.

Step 2: Connect the Board to Your Computer Connect your Arduino board to your computer using a USB cable. Ensure the cable is a data USB cable, as a charge-only cable won't work. The connectors should fit both the board and your computer.

Step 3: Select the Board In the Arduino IDE, click on "Tools" in the menu bar, and locate the "Board" row. If a board is already selected, it will be displayed there. Hover over the "Board" row to see the installed board packages, which contain popular boards. Click on the desired board to select it.

Step 4: Select the Port Still in the "Tools" menu, locate the "Port" row. Just like with the board, if a port is already selected, it will be shown here. Hover over the "Port" row to reveal all available ports. The board's name will typically be displayed after the port.

The naming convention for ports can vary by system:

  • Windows: COM3 (Arduino Mega)
  • macOS: /dev/cu.usbmodem14101 (Arduino Mega)
  • Linux: /dev/ttyACM0 (Arduino Mega)

Click on the appropriate port to select it. If the port for your board is already selected, you don't need to make any changes. If your board's port is not listed, refer to the official troubleshooting guide for help.

Step 5: Upload a Sketch Write your sketch or use an example just like the next one Optional: Click the "Verify" button to compile the sketch and identify any errors. Click the "Upload" button to program the board with the sketch. The sketch will start running on the board and will execute each time the board is reset. By following these steps, you'll be on your way to creating and programming your Arduino project. For more detailed information and troubleshooting, you can refer to the official Arduino documentation on getting started.



This code not only blinks the LED on Pin 13 but also provides status updates in the Serial Monitor. It uses the millis() function to manage the blink timing and includes a slight delay between updates to prevent flickering. The Serial Monitor displays whether the LED is currently ON or OFF:

// Blink with Serial Status
// This sketch blinks an LED connected to Pin 13 and provides status updates on the Serial Monitor

const int ledPin = 13;        // Pin number for the LED
int ledState = LOW;           // LED state (LOW = off, HIGH = on)
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;  // will store the last time LED was updated
const long interval = 1000;   // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);    // Initialize the LED pin as an output
  Serial.begin(9600);         // Initialize serial communication
  Serial.println("Blinking LED with Serial Status");

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();  // Get the current time

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;  // Save the current time

    if (ledState == LOW) {
      ledState = HIGH;             // Change the LED state
    } else {
      ledState = LOW;

    digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState); // Apply the new LED state

    // Print status to the Serial Monitor
    Serial.print("LED is ");
    Serial.println(ledState == HIGH ? "ON" : "OFF");

  • We define the LED pin as 13 (ledPin = 13).
  • Initialize ledState as LOW (LED off).
  • Set previousMillis to 0 and interval 1000ms (1 second).

In the setup() function:

  • Configure ledPin as an output.
  • Begin serial communication at 9600 baud.
  • Print a message indicating the LED blinking with status updates is starting.

In the loop() function:

  • Get the current time using millis() and store it in currentMillis.
  • If the time elapsed since previousMillis is greater than or equal to interval:
    • Update previousMillis with currentMillis.
    • Toggle ledState between HIGH and LOW.
    • Set the LED state using digitalWrite().
    • Print LED status ("ON" or "OFF") to the Serial Monitor.


Technical Details:

  • Microcontroller: ATmega2560
  • Microcontroller Clock Speed 16MHz
  • Operating Voltage +5V
  • Input Voltage(recommended) +7~+12V
  • Output Voltage +5V, +3.3V
  • Digital I/O Pins 54
  • PWM Digital I/O Pins 15
  • Analog Input Pins 16
  • Analog Output Pins
  • Rated Current per Pin 20mA/Pin
  • Length:101.98mm/4.01in
  • Width:53.63mm/2.11in
  • Height:15.29mm/0.60in
  • Weight:34.9g/1.23oz





When comparing the Mega and Uno Arduino boards, several key distinctions emerge, encompassing clock speed, memory, storage capacity, pin count, and board variations.

  • Clock Speed: Both the Mega and Uno operate at a clock speed of 16MHz, ensuring efficient execution of program instructions and timely operations.
  • Memory and Storage: Where the Uno and Mega diverge is in their memory and storage capabilities. The Uno features 32kB of flash memory, while the Mega impressively offers 256kB. This distinction becomes crucial when dealing with larger codebases. In both boards, SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory) is utilized. Here, the Mega possesses a substantial 8kB of SRAM space, a notable advantage compared to the Uno's 2kB. This additional SRAM is particularly advantageous for applications with memory-intensive operations.
  • Analog and Digital Pins: The Mega boasts 16 analog pins and 54 digital pins, of which 15 are equipped with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) capability. This versatile array empowers complex connectivity and sensor integration. In contrast, the Uno provides 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins, with PWM available on only 6 digital pins.
  • Pin Header Design: Both the Mega and Uno are equipped with through-hole pin headers, facilitating the insertion of DuPont wires for easy connection to external components.
  • Project Considerations: Selecting between Mega and Uno hinges on project requirements. For endeavors demanding extensive flash space and a higher number of pins, the Mega emerges as the optimal choice, delivering the resources needed to tackle complex tasks.
  • Board Variations: It's important to note that variations exist among different Mega boards. The genuine Mega features an appealing greenish color and a strategically placed reset button that remains accessible even when using additional shields on the board. However, in the case of the Keyestudio Mega, the reset button is positioned at the board's center, which can pose accessibility challenges when a shield is in use.